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Getting to know Celine

It's the first day of a new school year and the teacher walks into the classroom eager to dive into the syllabus. But first, the dreaded "tell us a little about yourself" must commence. You shift uncomfortably in your seat as one by one, your classmates stand and introduce themselves, some fumbling over words and avoiding eye-contact, others miraculously able to deliver an eloquent description of themselves and their hobbies while remaining charismatic and almost annoyingly engaging in the process. And then before you know it, the person in front of you finishes their introduction, and it's your turn. Your legs feel like they're going to give out, your mouth is dry, and for some strange reason, despite having rehearsed what you'll say in your head a million times, you can't remember a single interesting fact about yourself. All eyes are on you now. So what do you say?

"Hi! My name is Celine Sampson and I'm a Trinidadian artist. I've been painting for as long as I can remember but in 2018, I launched Paint Stain TT. It was originally a way for me to put myself through school while I was getting my Psychology degree, but eventually, I realized that I absolutely loved interacting with people in a creative environment. I really wanted to dispel the notion that art had to be an activity for the incredibly rich and stuck-up, and instead show people that anyone can be an artist, and anyone can enjoy good art. I think I get the most joy from walking someone through the creative process and seeing the pride and satisfaction on their faces when they complete their very own painting. For me, Paint Stain TT has become a second family to me. From the team, to the clients that we interact with, and even the social media following- Stain Nation is growing and I'm incredibly honored to be a part of it. When I'm not working on paintings, I enjoy experimenting in the kitchen, buying more plants that I don't need, and re-watching Harry Potter for the millionth time."

If you'd like to connect with me, follow @paintstaintt on Instagram and Facebook, and subscribe to my YouTube channel!

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